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About Resilient Jefferson County

Transforming our community's health for a better future.

Resilient Jefferson County is a coalition of community members whose mission is to transform our community and the health of future generations by becoming trauma-informed and preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Indoor Playground

Our Story

The roots of Resilient Jefferson County began in March 2019 with the viewing of the film Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope. This was shown to a small group of community leaders who agreed that this was something that we needed to explore for our county. After learning about ACEs, the Community Foundation of Madison and Jefferson County (CFMJC) became interested in the possibilities and asked the Healthy Communities Initiative, a program of the Norton King's Daughters' Health, to work with the CFMJC to obtain a $50,000 planning grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. As part of that process, Resilience was shown to over 200 people in our community. Public Sector Consultants, an organization that has conducted ACE studies, was hired and a plan was created. In October of 2020, Lilly Endowment Inc. awarded a $100,000 grant to the CFMJC to implement its plan.

With this plan, we envision a safe, healthy, and resilient community that thrives. Over time, we will reduce the need for social services and strengthen our workforce; thereby, increasing our ability to continually reinvest in the community. We will do this through data collection, education, and advocacy for programs and solutions that build resiliency.

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Commitment Statement

"We envision a collaborative that can impact ACEs in Jefferson County by engaging the community to honestly address our needs by enhancing and developing systems that foster resilience to ensure quality of life for generations to come."

Meet Our Steering Committee

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